Terms and Conditions

Use and care of Equipment

The Client acknowledges and agrees that they have inspected the Equipment, and that the Equipment is in good condition and suitable for the intended use.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance is strongly advised for all clients whilst on a tour organised by the Business. Clients are wholly responsible for arranging their own insurance. Clients are responsible for ensuring that they are in possession of private Travel insurance with protection for the full duration of the tour in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, with adequate cover.

Cycling involves Risks. The Client agrees that despite such Risks the Client wants to
participate in the hire and use the Equipment, and accepts sole responsibility for: (a) the Equipment; and (b) the safety of the Client and others.


The health of the Client

The Client agrees that they are sufficiently physically fit to cycle for the duration of the cycle hire. Please note that although the bikes are pedal assisted, they are not self-propelled and therefore require a moderate level of physical fitness. Lough Derg eBike Tours will not be held liable for any injuries resulting from pre-existing health conditions.

Classification of Routes

The Client agrees that they will adhere to pre-defined routes on the provided GPS devices. Routes are classified as Easy, Moderate and Hard, based on cycling experience and abilities required. The Client agrees that they will adhere to routes which are within their agreed levels of ability and experience.

Easy routes are designed for clients who have rarely (or not recently) cycled before.

Moderate routes are designed for clients with a reasonable level of fitness, and may involve some moderate climbs and/or longer distances.

Hard routes include serious climbs and/or long distances, and are only for those who are accustomed to cycling. Please note that on some red routes, the downhills are as challenging as the uphills and require skill in braking, so should NOT be undertaken by an inexperienced cyclist.

Late returns will be charged

The Client will take proper and reasonable care of the Equipment during the Hire Period, and will return it in good order and condition to the pick-up location by the time specified in the booking, unless otherwise agreed by Lough Derg eBike Tours. Late returns will be charged a daily hire rate until returned, unless prior arrangements have been made.

Competent to use the Equipment

The Client warrants that they are competent to use the Equipment, will use the Equipment in the manner it was designed to be used, will follow any directions from Lough Derg eBike Tours relating to the use and safety of the Equipment, and will comply with all laws and obligations in relation to the use and control of the Equipment.

The Client will not change or modify the Equipment

The Client will not change or modify the Equipment without Lough Derg eBike Tours’ agreement. If the Client changes or modifies the Equipment without  agreement, such changes or modifications will be considered damage, and clause 8) will apply.

Responsible for any damage

The Client is solely responsible for any damage to, or loss of, the Equipment during the Hire Period. The Client will notify Lough Derg eBike Tours immediately if the Equipment is damaged or lost, and will follow all reasonable instructions of Lough Derg eBike Tours in relation to such damaged or lost Equipment.

In the case of damage

In the case of damage to the Equipment (excluding reasonable wear and tear, and any damage to inner tubes), however caused, the Client will be responsible for and will pay Lough Derg eBike Tours for the full cost of all repairs, including the cost of replacing any damaged parts and any labour to restore the Equipment to the condition it was in at the commencement of the Hire Period. For the avoidance of doubt, Lough Derg eBike Tours has the sole right to reasonably determine: (a) whether the Equipment has been damaged during the Hire Period; (b) whether such damage is beyond reasonable wear and tear; (c) the extent of such damage; and (d) the full cost of the repairs required.

In the case of loss

In the case of loss of the Equipment, the Client will be responsible for and will pay Lough Derg eBike Tours for the full cost of replacing such Equipment, unless reasonable steps were taken to prevent such loss.

Please note that locks are provided with all bikes, and it is essential that all unattended bikes are locked to a solid object (such as a bike stand). Also, when leaving bikes unattended, the GPS device should be removed and taken with you.

Lost revenue

In addition to the costs set out in clauses 8) and 9), the Client will be responsible for and will indemnify Lough Derg eBike Tours for any loss of revenue suffered by Lough Derg eBike Tours due to the unavailability of the Equipment for hire due to damage or loss. The costs for lost revenue will not exceed the equivalent of 7 days hire of the Equipment at the prevailing hire rates.


  • Full payment is required upon booking. Payment will be made via the secure online booking system.
  • Payment of all or part of the total price (including payment by credit card) is acceptance of these T&Cs.

Changes to Bookings /Cancellation

  • If the service becomes unavailable for the Hire Period due to circumstances beyond Lough Derg eBike Tours' control (such as theft, fire, or damage from an earlier hire contract), we will use our best efforts to offer the Client a suitable alternative. If we are unable to offer a suitable alternative, the Client will be entitled to a full refund of any monies paid to Lough Derg eBike Tours.
  • No refunds will be made for early returns, late pickups, no-shows or change of mind.
  • A full refund will be made for bookings cancelled where 48 hours notice (prior to the agreed pick-up time for the booking) is given by the Client. An exception to this is where an Orange or Red weather warning has been issued by the Irish Met office (www.met.ie) covering County Tipperary during the hire duration, in which case the Client will be offered a choice of either a full refund or a reschedule.
  • Please note that Ireland is famed for its rain, and we would not normally offer a refund for wet weather, except where either sufficient notice (48 hours) is provided by the Client, or an Orange or Red weather warning is in place, as outlined above.